Cool Earth

Protecting Rainforest

14 May 2019

SWEEEP Kuusakoski have always powered our recycling facility using renewable energy. This year however we have taken another step with the help of Our purchase of renewable energy has helped to safe guard 5 acres of endangered rainforest. 5 acres is about 1200 tress capable of locking in 1300 tonnes of CO2.

Open Energy Market is working with Cool Earth to protect endangered rainforest in Northern Peru. Every square foot of operational space at SWEEEP Kuusakoski (5 Acres) is mirrored by an equivalent area of protected rainforest

The main driver of deforestation is not global demand for palm oil, soy and timber, it’s poverty. Which is why Cool Earth focuses on addressing the drivers of degradation at the community level. By improving livelihood development, education and healthcare, Cool Earth has now placed more rainforest under the 24/7 protection of indigenous groups than any other NGO or government. 

Cool Earth's 118 village partners are in control of over 900,000 acres of forest that would otherwise have been cleared. Millions of acres of further forest are now inaccessible to loggers. Add to this the 170 million tonnes of CO2 emissions prevented, the protection of 80 endangered species, and with recently winning the Charity of the Year award, I think we can safely say that Cool Earth has become a success story. 

Every acre of rainforest locks in 260 tonnes of CO2 

Rainforests generate a fifth of the world’s fresh water and oxygen 

Half of all plant and animal species on Earth live in the rainforest 

36 new species have been discovered in and around our protected areas 

One in ten people on Earth depend on the rainforest for their livelihood 

“The idea behind Cool Earth is that if we can help pay to conserve an acre then we can make a real difference. Perhaps the biggest difference we will make in our whole lives.” Sir David Attenborough”


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